It’s time to dive into 15 most haunted places in this world including Islands, Asylums, prisons, and museums.
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1. Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

Imagine what kind of people would change a normal high school in Cambodia into a torture chamber. In 1976, The Communist Party of Cambodia does that and high school became s21 prison. This was the site of the Cambodian genocide. 14,000 people entered that torture center and only seven walked out.
Think about that for a moment, if you were brought here you had a 0.0005 percent chance or a one in 2,000 chance of leaving. It was literally insane and add to it they took photos of not just every single victim before death but then after death what happened here was genocide.
The place is now a museum to remember the 13,000993 people that died in that building. People that have visited it now say that the building is constantly riddled with the ghosts of the men women and children that were brutally tortured and murdered inside of the cells and classrooms of the prison.
The man that ran this prison a schoolteacher. He is still alive today. After literally years of trials, the Cambodian Court gave him life imprisonment with no appeal and no sentence deduction. Perhaps when that man goes to his grave so will the spirits of the victims of s21.
2. Poveglia
This one is second in the lists of 15 most haunted places. Welcome to Poveglia a small island in the Venice lagoon. This island has been a station of quarantine a dumping ground for plague victims in a mental hospital. It’s like every horrific setting from this list on one small island.
The area is long abandoned now. It is overtaken by weeds but because of all the death is on this island is believed that 50% of the soil on this island is human ash. This island doesn’t mess around with teasing people who come over to visit the legend.
There have been reports figures choking tourists to the ground throwing them down to make their heads hit large rocks. Even pushing them off the dock into the water. This island consists of an old bell tower, a station for organizing defense, a series of homes and a mental hospital for those that did not cooperate with the rest of society.
3. Eastern State Penitentiary
This was built in 1829 in Philadelphia Eastern State Penitentiary was made for the worst of the worst. It held criminals such as Al Capone. Eastern State Penitentiary was known for its spine-chilling inhumane ways of discipline and torture.
Let’s talk about some of these methods, one way included dunking inmates in a tube of freezing water. After that, they hang them outside in the blistering winter cold which caused ice to form on and around the skin. Another method was a chair that restrained limbs so tightly.
It often caused the need for amputation. Finally the hole this was literally a giant black hole in which the disobedient inmates were literally thrown in. They give no light, human contact, exercise, toilet to them. They were given just enough air and food to survive.
The prison was closed in 1971. It has numerous accounts of echoing voices, shadowy figures, darting around cells and walls. Some people have even reported seeing the faces of certain inmates when they would touch a cell or walk inside.
4. Château de Châteaubriant
This one is the fourth in the lists of 15 most haunted places. It was construed in the 11th century in France. Chateau has like the Tower of London held many horrific offenses. One occurring in 1252 when the king of Chateau left his wife behind for a crusade.
After a year of not returning, he was announced dead until he returned months later. It causing his wife to literally die of shock in his arms along with other stories of betrayal lies and death. It is said that all of the victims that lie in chateau who now roams the halls of this giant castle.
5. Tower of London
The fifth in the lists of 15 most haunted places. During its 900 years of existence, many faces have come into the Tower of London and not come out. Thomas Becket one of the engineers building the tower was killed by the grandfather of one of the Kings.
Arbella Stewart married royalty without proper permission and was placed in house arrest inside the tower until her untimely death in 1615. Queen Anne Boleyn was beheaded near the tower. These are three of the many many stories surrounding death in this infamously historical building.
Tons of people have come out of that Tower claiming to have seen a ghost roaming around following them and even chasing them down the halls. It is safe to say that the Tower of London has blood engraved into its halls and spirits enslaved into its halls.
6. Queen Mary Hotel
This 1,000 foot beast of a ship was finished and sailed in 1937. It was used as a luxury ship until World War II came around. It turned into the ultimate battleship working flawlessly through the war. Afterward, it was refurbished into a luxury ship. However, it was rendered ill-suited for work and sailed its last in 1967.
After that, it became a permanently docked hotel. However, there are 45 reported deaths aboard the ship during the war. Many people say that those spirits did not leave the ship even now. Many Horrific anomalies have taken place when tourists have boarded the ship. It currently sits docked and eerie in Long Beach Harbor California.
7. Stull Cemetery
Named one of the seven gateways to hell Stull Cemetery in Kansas is said to be the courtroom of Satan himself. The legends revolve around a church that was built there in 1867. It was used until it was randomly abandoned in 1908.
Since then the walls started crumbling in the roof caved in the destroyed church was then said to be used by Satanist, witch covens and cults. They had sacrificed animals so that this cemetery could become a gateway to hell someday. I guess they got what they wanted & worshiped.
8. Island of the dolls
This one is Eight in the lists of 15 most haunted places. The island of the dolls (La Isla de las Muñecas) After the coast of Mexico you’ll find the most bone-chilling island with an even more bone-chilling history. Don Barrera the caretaker of the island at the time found a young girl washed up dead on the shore with her a small doll.
He hung the doll from a tree in memory of the girl. However, from there the story says that the ghost of the girl took overdone. The ghost made him find and hang more dolls from the trees giving the island the creepy morbid look.
After that little girl along with apparently other little girls that had died around the world found a safe haven on the island of the dolls. Fifty years since finding the dead girl don Buddha was found dead himself in 2001 in the same place as the little girl.
9. The Amityville house
One of the best of 15 most haunted places. The most widespread haunted house in history. There have been tons of movies, books and legends made upon the basis of this house. Formerly a house to hold Native Americans that were sick and insane.
This home is notorious for the DeFeo killings in 1974 where Ronald (the son) shot and killed his father two brothers and sister. Ronald who is still alive today then claimed that ghosts had convinced him to commit the killings. Many years later a Couple (George and Kathy Lutz) purchased the home.
Both of them claimed that paranormal anomalies had started to occur. They were increasing in intensity and in Sandy. The family immediately fled, probably for the better. They also contacted paranormal geniuses Edie and Lorraine Warren to investigate.
They reported that the house was definitely in the hands of evil entities. After that, No one should ever dare enter the home for the safety of themselves.
10. Monte Cristo
This one is the tenth in the lists of 15 most haunted places. A pregnant caretaker being thrown over a balcony, a baby being dropped down the stairs and a poor boy being burned to ash in his sleep. All of these events took place in the notorious Australian estate in Monte Cristo.
This home was built in 1885 and has been constantly transferring owners due to the unfortunate and suspicious demise of the owners or the owners fleeing the home with fearful insanity. The current owners bought the house in 1963 and since then one of the owners has passed away but one still remains.
Olive Ryan claims that she has felt presences almost as commonplace to this point. One thing is clear about this estate too much has happened for it to be coincidental.
11. White House
The White House home of the highest security America’s number one person and ghosts. Since the construction of the White House, there have been accounts from presidents, first ladies, and Senators of hearing or seeing strange entities. The most notable case being the ghost of President Abraham Lincoln roaming the halls of the White House.
Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt both reported seeing tall lanky figures in the Lincoln bed. This is now used as a study although no records show anybody dying inside the White House. We would not be surprised if some presidents felt like they just didn’t put in enough overtime in the job.
12. Bhangarh Fort
Imagine a place so haunted that it actually became illegal to go to at night. Welcome to Bhangarh fort in India. The history of this place is unsure amongst people. Everyone seems to believe one of two stories. One is a king going to live there and dooming the fort with the angle of the shadows completely engulfing the fort.
Whereas the other story being a magician falling in love with a princess at the fort. The magician attempting to trick the princess into loving him. The princess killing the magician and the magician’s final words cursing the fort. Since then many people have recalled their unique and spine-chilling encounters at Bhangarh fort.
13. Byberry Mental Asylum
This place was built in 1910 with the shambled scraps of what could be found after the world war one shortage of materials. The asylum didn’t take long to fall apart both economically and literally. The asylum was handed over to the state of Pennsylvania but didn’t end up in an acceptable state until 1953.
Through the exploitation of inhumane living conditions and treatment of patients, most staff left the asylum in the 1980s. They set to demolish the building in 1991 but canceled the date upon finding millions of dollars in resources and materials inside leaving the building’s abandoned until was finally demolished in 2006 for a housing development
14. Hell Town
The second last in the lists of 15 most haunted places. Welcome to the town of Boston Ohio, Otherwise known as the end of the world and Hell town. This city has next to nothing going for it. In 1974 the state of Ohio made that city a national park because of its shockingly low population and history.
The small community of people living there edged insults into their walls to show the injustice of them being kicked out of their homes. The state later dropped the plans of the National Park leaving the abandoned mysterious town up for tons of debate and legend.
Legends such as a ghost bus a satanic church and a giant mutant python. The area around Boston Ohio celebrates Python day annually because of these legends.
15. Waverly Hills Sanatorium
This one is the last in the lists of 15 most haunted places. In the early 1900s, this hospital was built in Louisville Kentucky. It was built for patients that were the victim of the haunting disease of the time tuberculosis. Many people died in this hospital both from the disease and the inhumane tactics that were tested on patients to attempt to cure tuberculosis.
The death count got so high that the hospital installed a body chute which is as you can imagine where the bodies of the dead victims were thrown. Waverly Hills shut down in 1961 and since then it has been the site of many ghost TV shows as well as a haunted reputation by the community and the world.
This is our list of 15 most haunted places. However, we will look for your lists of 15 most haunted places in the comment box. Let us know if we can update our list with some more Haunted places.
Where is Queen Mary Hotel?
It is located in Los Angeles.
Where is Island of the dolls?
This island is located in Mexico.
Where is The Amityville house?
It is in Long Island, New York
Where is Byberry Mental Asylum?
It is in Philadelphia.
Where is Hell Town?
It is located in Boston.